- Annual Fees - Fees shall be payable to the Okanagan Golf Club with membership dues. These fees cover Golf Canada Access, zone levies and computer use. After the Okanagan Golf Club has been paid for all the aforementioned expenses, the remainder shall be turned over to the Ladies Club for the purchase of annual awards, match play awards, club championship awards, junior levies and any approved expenses of the Ladies Club. Fees will be determined annually based on the above expenses.
- Zone Meetings/Workshops – Any Executive Officer (maximum 3) attending the Spring Captains Meeting and the Annual General Meetings shall have their lunch paid for by the OGC Ladies Club. The Rules Chair and Handicap Chair attending a Zone Meeting/Workshop, shall have their lunch paid for by the OGC Ladies Club.
- Ladies Day Competitions – A fixture sheet shall be provided outlining the weekly competitions. Sign-up notices and weekly draws will be communicated online. Each lady is responsible for knowing her tee time. Cancellations or additions to the draw after it is emailed must be made directly to the Pro Shop. Ladies Day fees will be decided at the start of the golf season by the Executive Committee.
Competitions may be divided into flights depending on the number of players and their handicaps. Players can play from silver, combo or red tees, but if play is from mixed tees a Course Handicap Adjustment must be made based on the course rating for the tees played.
Ladies have the option to request playing partner(s) to be accommodated by the Ladies Day draw such that there is fair distribution of players each week. Ladies Day is played on both courses as available. Prizes will be awarded accordingly.
Guests are welcome to play at a rate negotiated with the golf club. Guests are not eligible to play in the daily competition or deuce pot.
A player who withdraws or is disqualified from the game of the day on Ladies Day remains eligible for skill prizes.
- Club Championship
- Eligibility requirements are defined in Article IV of the Constitution.
- The Club Championship shall be held each year at a time agreed upon by the Ladies President and Club Management.
- The Club Championship shall consist of 36 holes of medal play over two days on the Bear and Quail Courses. The Club Champion and Overall Low Net Champion shall play from the silver tees. The Red Tee Champion and Overall Low Net Red Champion shall play from the red tees.
- Flights will be determined by the number of players and their handicaps on both the silver and red tees.
- Prizes shall be awarded as follows for both red and silver tees:
- Overall low gross
- Overall low net
- Flight Winners – Gross and Net
- KP prizes and other prizes are awarded at the discretion of the organizing committee.
- Match Play Tournament – This is a club tournament based on Match Play rules. A draw is provided by the Handicap/Match Play Chair and each segment of the competition must be played by a certain date. These matches are not to be played during the Ladies Day competition. Prizes are awarded as follows:
- A Side Winner and Runner Up
- B Side (Consolation) Winner and Runner Up
- Annual Awards
- Hole-in-One Award - For a Hole-in-One, while participating in the Ladies Day Wednesday Draw, she (the golfer) receives $200.00 ($100.00 cheque from the Ladies Club and $100.00 in GolfBC card(s) from GolfBC). If she gets her Hole-in-One outside of the Ladies Day Draw, she receives a $100.00 cheque from the Ladies Club only. To be eligible, ladies must be members of the Ladies Club. The Ladies Club will provide a pin (or similar). Typically, the cheque, and if applicable, the GolfBC card are provided to the golfer close to the time of the event, but the pin (or similar) is awarded at the Ladies Club Wind-up. A Hole-in-One is not eligible for other skill prizes awarded on Ladies Day such as KP or Chip-in.
- Eagle and Break 100, 90, 80 and 70 Pins – These pins shall be awarded to the player who attains an eagle or breaks 100, 90, 80 and 70 for the first time on the Quail Course, Bear Course, or any other equivalent rated course. An attested scorecard is to be given to the President and a signature of a playing partner is to be recorded next to the achievement listed in the ``Birdie Book.” Typically, these pins (or similar) are awarded to the golfers at the Ladies Club Wind-Up.
- Ringer Board – The first scores of the Ladies Day are posted for each player. As scores are improved on Ladies Days, they are changed by the players. Before the AGM the lower scores for each player are totalled and the player`s current handicap is subtracted. Prizes are given to the lowest net in flights from players from the silver, red and combo tees. The number of flights will be based on the number of participants from each tee.
- Birdies – Birdies on Ladies Days are to be recorded in the “Birdie” Book by the players. Birdie pins are awarded to a winner who achieves the most birdies in each flight at year-end.
- Most Improved Golfer – The prize is awarded to the most improved golfer of the golf season. The season at OGC begins October 1t and ends September 30h. To be eligible for the most improved golfer, a member must have played and entered a minimum of 20 games in that season into the Golf Canada website.
- Fun Awards- These awards are for members who had something funny or special happen to them on the golf course or at any of the tournament outings.
7. Tournaments - Information for all tournaments in our Zone can be found online at:
zone2ladies.com. Handicap cards are printed from the Golf Canada website and do not need to
be signed by an Executive Committee member or Pro Shop staff.
- Zone 2 Tournaments – Levies to the Zone must be paid by the Club in order for players to be eligible to enter Zone 2 Tournaments. Players are responsible for their own entry. The President must choose a Low Gross and a Low Net Team from the players who have entered these tournaments. The order of acceptance into these tournaments is by handicap factor and not by date of receipt of entry. The Two Zone 2 Tournaments are:
A. Zone 2 Senior Ladies Championship – This tournament is open to anyone 50 years of age or older who is a Golf Canada and Zone 2 member in good standing and has an accurate handicap factor.
B. Zone 2 Ladies Amateur Championship – This tournament is open to anyone who is a Golf Canada and Zone 2 member in good standing and has an accurate handicap factor.
9. Other Events
- Zone 2 Supporting Events – in lieu of the Ladies Club holding events for the purpose of generating funds to support Zone 2 junior girls’ and women’s player development and tournaments, as part of the annual Ladies Club budget approval process the Treasurer will recommend to the general membership an amount to be donated and for what purpose to Zone 2. Once approved, the Treasurer will submit a cheque to the Zone 2 Treasurer and specify to what purpose the OGC Ladies Club wishes its donation to be applied. If, in any given year, the Treasurer determines that there are insufficient funds available to make a Zone 2 donation, she will inform the Executive who will recommend a suitable course of action to the general membership
- The Okanagan Ladies Solheim Cup
- It is a two-day event held annually; dates to be determined by the Executive.
- The Executive and the Solheim Committee will determine the course(s) for play.
- The Solheim Cup will be played from the Silver and Red Combo Tees. The location of the Silver and Red Combo Tees will be determined by the Solheim Cup Chair in consultation with the Pro Shop to ensure friendly placements.
- It shall be limited to 32 players. If more than 32 players sign up to participate in this event, those players will be listed as alternates in order of sign up.
- The format includes four nine-hole matches: scramble, alternate shot, better net ball, and single matches. Details pertaining to the format are outlined in the Solheim Cup Binder.
- Each year the Chair (appointed by the Executive) shall form a committee to organize and run this tournament.
- If possible, one of the committee members shall be named Assistant Solheim Cup Chair and assume the duties at the completion of the Chair’s term, or in the event of the Chair’s illness or absence.
- The Okanagan Ladies Memorial Cup – The Memorial Cup is a tournament held every year to remember former women members who have passed away.
- The Chair (appointed by the Executive) shall form a committee to organize this tournament.
- The Committee shall decide the entry fee for this event.
- There shall be no prizes for the day, other than the trophy for this event. The net proceeds from the day shall be given to a charity.
- The format shall be four lady teams with the best two nets per hole used for scoring.
- The names of the players on the winning team shall be engraved on the trophy.
- Two-Ball Tournament - This an annual fun tournament played as a two-woman team.
- At least one team member must be a Ladies Club member and both players must carry a valid handicap. There can be no more than a 10-stroke handicap difference between team members.
- The Chair (appointed by the Executive) shall form a committee to organize this tournament.
- Play may be on either The Bear or The Quail depending on availability and will have a shotgun start.
- The format may vary and will be determined annually by the Two-Ball Committee.
- Registration monies will be collected through the Ladies Club and used to cover the cost of prizes and lunch.
- Guest play rates at OGC will be negotiated with the golf club.
- Trophies for Overall Low Gross and Overall Low Net exist for this event and engraving is the responsibility of the Two-Ball Committee.
10. Local Rules
A. The penalty area in front of #14 Quail green: If there is doubt whether a ball is in or is lost in the penalty area on #14 Quail, the player may play another ball provisionally under any of the applicable options in Rule 17.1d. If the original ball is found outside the penalty area, the player must continue play with it. If the original ball is found in the penalty area, the player may either play the original ball as it lies or continue with the ball played provisionally. If the original is not found or identified within the three-minute search period, the player must continue with the ball played provisionally.
B. Local Rule Model E-5: When a player’s ball has not been found or is known or virtually certain to be out of bounds, the player may proceed as follows rather that proceeding under stroke and distance. For two penalty strokes, the player may take relief from dropping the original ball or another ball in this relief area (Rule 14.3)
C. During a round, a player must not listen to or watch content of any nature on a personal audio or video device during Ladies Club events.
11. Changes to Policies – Policy changes may be made by a 2/3 majority of the members present (or represented by proxy) at any general meeting of the Ladies Club.
Revised October 8, 2014
Revised October 7, 2015
Revised October 5, 2016
Revised October 4, 2017
Revised May 16, 2018
Revised September 26, 2018
Revised May 22, 2019
Revised October 3, 2019
Revised September 22, 2021
Revised May 18, 2022
Revised May 17, 2023
Revised September 27, 2023