Originally Adopted May 6, 2004
Amended on:
- May 5, 2011
- October 8, 2014
- October 4, 2017
- May 16, 2018
- September 22, 2021
The Okanagan Golf Club Ladies Club – Constitution and Bylaws
This organization shall be called the “The Okanagan Golf Club Ladies Club”. It shall hereinafter be referred to as the “Ladies Club”.
The purpose of the Ladies Club is solely for the benefit of lady members of The Okanagan Golf Club and is as follows:
1. To promote interest in the game of golf and the true spirit of the game within the Club in accordance with the Policies and Rules of Golf Canada.
2. To provide an opportunity for the membership to meet and play golf with new and different ladies on Ladies Day.
3. To provide an opportunity for the membership to play competitive golf.
4. To provide an opportunity for the membership to learn and apply the rules and etiquette of golf.
5. To promote Ladies Tournaments within the Club, the Zone and the Province.
6. To promote Junior Golf and to encourage junior girl golfers.
7. To maintain an executive to ensure the Ladies Club events and activities are in accordance with its purpose.
8. To remain a non-profit organization. Surplus funds shall be used in promoting its purpose.
The Ladies Club is a member of British Columbia Golf Zone 2, and Golf Canada and is located at The Okanagan Golf Club in Kelowna, British Columbia.
1. Eligibility – All female members of The Okanagan Golf Club, at the age of nineteen (19), are automatically members of the Ladies Club with the following provisions:
a. They must remit the annual Ladies Club fee.
b. They must abide by the Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies of the Ladies Club.
c. Corporate members who pay the Ladies Club fee are considered members of the Ladies Club. Corporate members who do not pay the Ladies Club fee are not considered members of the Ladies Club and therefore are not eligible to participate in ladies’ events organized by the Ladies Club. They may, however, participate as guests in the weekly Ladies Day.
2. Privileges – All Ladies Club members have the following privileges:
a. To participate in all Ladies events organized by the Ladies Club.
b. To vote at all general meetings of the membership.
c. To hold office.
The affairs of the Ladies Club shall be governed by the Constitution and Bylaws of British Columbia Golf Zone 2, Golf Canada and the Ladies Club. The Bylaws of the Ladies Club shall not contravene or contradict the Bylaws of any of the aforementioned associations.
1. Eligibility – All Executive Officers shall be members in good standing of the Ladies Club.
2. Executive Officers – The following Officers shall be elected by the membership:
a. President
b. Ladies Day Captain
c. Secretary
d. Treasurer
e. Handicap/Match Play Chair
f. Rules Chair
3. Terms of Office
a. All Executive Officers shall serve two (2) year terms, except for the Ladies Day Captain, who will serve a one (1) year term. All Officers are eligible for re-election.
b When possible, openings for elected positions will be staggered for the purpose of providing continuity.
c. Except for the Treasurer, new Executive Officers shall assume their responsibilities after the Annual General Meeting. The Treasurer shall assume responsibilities as of January 1st of the following year.
4. Nominations
a. The Nominations Committee shall consist of the Executive Officers and the Past President.
b. The committee will be chaired by the President.
c. The Committee will convene and prepare a slate of officers and positions that will be posted two weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting.
d. Nominations from the floor will be accepted at the Annual General Meeting.
- Elections
a. Elections shall be at the Annual General Meeting and shall be by secret ballot unless it is not possible to hold the meeting due to reasons beyond the control of the Ladies Club.
b. Where it is not possible to conduct an election at the Annual General Meeting the current Ladies Club President and Secretary will conduct an election by ballot via email.
c. Email vote will not be permitted as an alternative method if in-person voting is possible.
d. Only members of the Ladies Club are eligible to vote.
- Vacancies
- Mid-term vacancies for any elected position shall be filled by appointment by the Executive, until the next Annual General Meeting.
1. Eligibility – All Appointed Positions shall be members in good standing of the Ladies Club.
2. Appointed Positions – The following Positions may be appointed by the Executive:
a. Challenges Chair
b. Club Historian
c. Solheim Cup Chair
d. Memorial Cup Chair
e. Welcoming Committee Chair
f. Two-Ball Chair
g. Other Appointed Positions as determined by the Executive
3. Terms of Office – All Appointed Positions shall serve a two (2) year term and are eligible for re-appointment.
4. Vacancies – Vacancies for any Appointed Position shall be filled by appointment by the Executive.
1. Executive Meetings
a. The Executive shall hold no fewer than two (2) meetings per year.
b. Special meetings may be called by the President or at the written request to the President of three (3) members of the Executive.
c. A quorum shall consist of 50% + 1 of the active elected Executive positions.
d. The Executive may invite Appointed Positions or representatives from other committees to Executive Meetings. These persons shall not have a vote at such meetings.
2. General Meetings
a. A Spring General Meeting shall be held as soon as possible after the Zone 2 Spring Captains’ Meeting.
b. An Annual General Meeting shall be held at the close of the golf season. Annual awards shall be presented, and the election of Executive Officers shall take place at this meeting.
c. A quorum shall consist of twelve (12) members.
d. All resolutions of the meetings shall be decided by a vote, by a show of hands.
e. All members in good standing of the Ladies Club are eligible to vote. In the event of a tie, the President shall have the deciding vote.
f. A fifteen (15) day notice of all General Meetings shall be posted on the Ladies Bulletin Board and/or distributed via email. This notice shall announce the date, time, place, and the business to be considered.
g. The Order of Business at the Spring General Meeting and the Annual General Meetings shall be as follows:
1) Call to order
2) Quorum confirmation
3) Minutes of the previous meeting
4) Business arising from the minutes
5) Correspondence
6) Reports:
- President’s report
- Ladies Day Captain’s report
- Treasurer’s report
- Handicap/Match Play Chair’s report
- Rules Chair’s report
- Solheim Cup Chair’s report
- Memorial Cup Chair’s report
- Challenges Chair’s report
- Two-Ball Chair’s report
- Welcoming Committee Chair’s report
- Other reports as determined by the Executive
7) New business
8) Nominations and election of Executive Officers (Annual General Meeting only)
9) Introduction of new Executive
10) Adjournment
3. Special General Meetings
a. Special General Meetings of the Ladies Club may be called by the President, or by at least two (2) other members of the Executive.
b. A seven (7) day notice of all Special General Meetings shall be posted on the Ladies Bulletin Board and/or distributed via email. This notice shall announce the date, time, place, and business to be considered.
c. No business shall be transacted at a Special General Meeting other than that which is specified in the notice calling the Special General Meeting.
d. A quorum shall consist of twelve (12) members.
4. Informal General Meetings
a. Informal General Meetings may be held as deemed necessary by the President to keep members informed and to discuss concerns.
b. No business concerning the Constitution, Bylaws or Policies shall be transacted at these meetings.
1. General Powers and Roles:
a. The Executive Officers and Appointed Positions may:
1) Establish committees to assist them in carrying out their duties
2) Communicate to the membership regarding their areas of responsibilities
3) Work with golf club management and other Okanagan Club staff for the purpose of carrying out their duties
b. All Executive Officers and Appointed Positions responsible for organizing Ladies’ events shall ensure that all players are eligible to compete in such event.
c. All finances of Ladies Club events shall be coordinated with the Treasurer.
2. President – The President shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
a. She shall ultimately be responsible for all administration and golf activities of the Ladies Club and is answerable to the membership.
b. She shall organize and chair the yearly Club Championship. This responsibility includes, but is not limited to the following:
1) Sending the notice to the membership
2) Obtaining a printout of the ladies’ handicap indexes from the Handicap Chair prior to the Club Championship
3) Preparing the draw
4) Working with golf club management to prepare score cards, the course etc.
5) Determining and presenting the prizes / awards
6) Arranging for the dinner with Okanagan Club staff
c. She shall, with the rest of the Executive, be responsible for ensuring that all golf events and activities of the Ladies Club are properly handled by the Executive Officers and Appointed Positions. She shall also ensure that the events and activities comply with the Constitution, Bylaws and Policies of the Ladies Club, and the guidelines as set out in the President’s Manual.
d. She shall be responsible for calling, setting the agenda, and chairing all the general and executive meetings of the Ladies Club.
e. She shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
f. She shall meet with the Men’s Club Captain and the golf club management in the fall to establish dates / times for the Ladies Club Fixture Calendar.
g. She shall be responsible for keeping the President’s Manual and the Zone 2 Manual up to date.
h. She shall ensure that any change in format for trophy play shall be discussed by the Executive. The proposed change shall then be brought forward to the Annual General Meeting for approval by the membership.
i. She shall have the following responsibilities to the Zone:
1) Attend or send a representative to all Zone 2 Captains Meetings and Annual General Meeting
2) Act as a liaison between the Ladies Club and the Zone Executive
3) Advise the Zone Course Rating Chairman when/if there is any change in the golf courses that could possibly affect course and slope ratings
4) Ensure that The Okanagan Golf Club submits the Zone Levy payable for every playing lady and junior girl member by June 1st of each year and that the Treasurer submits the Junior Girls Levy to the Zone 2 Ladies Treasurer
5) Send in all forms required by the Zone including year-end information
6) Choose a low gross and a low net team for the Zone 2 Ladies Senior Championship and the Zone 2 Ladies Amateur Championship
j. She shall organize and chair the Ladies Club year-end event which includes presenting the annual awards / trophies to the respective recipients at the fall banquet or Annual General Meeting if there is no banquet. She will ensure that trophies are updated.
k. She shall promote a positive culture among the Ladies Club.
l. She shall maintain an updated contact list of the membership.
m. She shall prepare a report for the Spring General Meeting and the Annual General Meeting.
3. Ladies Day Captain – The Ladies Day Captain shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
a. She shall be responsible for organizing Ladies Day. This responsibility includes, but is not limited to the following:
1) Preparing the fixture sheet
2) Sending notice for sign-up
3) Collecting entry fees
4) Preparing and posting the draw
5) Determining the games and payout prizes
6) Maintaining an updated games rules document on the website
7) Distributing prizes
8) Creating a weekly “winnings report” to be emailed to members and posted on the website
9) Providing the Handicap Chair with game day score cards
b. She shall be responsible for keeping the Ladies Day Captain’s Book up to date.
c. She shall be responsible for keeping the Ladies Day Prize Book. These records shall be kept for two (2) years.
d. She shall prepare the Birdie Book and the Ringer Board Book for the season and ensure these books are available to the membership at each Ladies Day.
e. She shall create and update the tournament binder for the Ladies Club.
f. She shall attend the Provincial Zone 2 meeting in the spring.
g. She shall maintain an updated contact list of the membership.
h. She shall prepare a report for the Spring General Meeting and the Annual General Meeting.
4. Secretary – The Secretary shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
a. She shall give proper notice of all general meetings of the membership and distribute the meeting information via email, as directed by the President and/or Executive.
b. She shall keep an accurate record of the minutes of all General and Executive meetings of the Ladies Club.
c. She shall maintain a record of all the motions from the General Meetings.
d. She shall ensure the Constitution, Bylaws and Policies of the Ladies Club are updated as per approved motions at the Annual General Meeting.
e. She shall respond to Ladies Club correspondence, as directed by the President and/or Executive.
f. She shall maintain an updated contact list of the membership.
5. Treasurer – The Treasurer shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
a. She shall be responsible for all monies handled by the Ladies Club, and as cosigner with two other members of the Executive, shall do all the banking.
b. She shall be responsible to bring non-budgeted expenditures involving amounts over $300.00 before the general membership.
c. She shall submit a proposed budget for the upcoming year for approval at the Spring Executive Meeting.
d. She shall prepare a report of the Ladies Club financial standing to date for the Spring General Meeting and the Annual General Meeting.
6. Handicap/Match Play Chair – The Handicap/Match Play Chair shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
a. She shall be responsible for assisting members in the use of the rules of handicapping and entering scores into Golf Canada.
b. She shall conscientiously monitor the handicap indexes of members in order to have equity in competition.
c. She shall be responsible for educating members in the rules of handicapping and making members aware of any policy changes for posting scores.
d. She shall provide the President with a printout of the ladies’ handicap details prior to the Club Championship.
e. She shall be responsible for the Match Play Tournament of the Ladies Club. This responsibility includes but is not limited to the following:
1) Holding a qualifying round in the event the number of entries is greater than that required to conduct the Match Play Tournament
2) Choosing and posting the dates by which the matches are to be completed
3) Making the draw
4) Ensuring that the matches are completed on time
5) Announcing the winners of the Match Play Tournament
f. She shall be responsible for obtaining the information from golf club management with respect to the most improved golfer for the year.
g. She shall prepare a report for the Spring General Meeting and the Annual General Meeting.
7. Rules Chair – The Rules Chair shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
a. She shall be responsible for providing rules training education to the membership for each golf season.
b. She or her appointee shall attend the Zone 2 Rules Workshop.
c. She shall ensure that members are familiar with good etiquette and pace of play.
d. She shall answer any queries on the Rules of Golf. If she is unable to answer a question, she may contact the Zone 2 Ladies Rules Chair who will, if necessary, forward the question to the BC Rules Director. She shall, when giving a rules decision and/or answer, identify the specific rules(s) and/or decision(s).
e. She shall ensure that the Ladies Club possesses the current edition of the Rules of Golf Book and the Decisions on the Rules of Golf.
f. She shall be familiar with the Rules of Amateur Status and keep members informed.
g. She shall assist the Zone Ladies Rules Chair if there is a Zone Tournament at The Okanagan Golf Club.
h. She shall prepare a report for the Spring General Meeting and the Annual General Meeting.
8. Solheim Cup Chair – The Solheim Cup Chair shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
a. She shall establish a committee that will be responsible for organizing The Okanagan Ladies Solheim Cup Tournament.
b. She shall conduct the Tournament within the stated Policies of the Ladies Club.
c. She shall, with assistance from the Treasurer, keep an accurate account of the finances of the Tournament.
d. She shall prepare a report for the Spring General Meeting and the Annual General Meeting.
9. The Challenges Liaison Chair – The Challenges Liaison Chair shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
a. She shall, in the fall and in the spring, work with the golf club management and the other “Challenge” clubs to establish the dates for both home and away games.
b. She shall post sign-up sheets on the Ladies Bulletin Board for all matches.
c. She shall choose the teams for each Challenge competition.
- She shall be responsible for organizing the matches held at The Okanagan Golf Club. This responsibility includes but is not limited to the following:
- Verify indexes and handicaps and prepare tee sheets; share this information with other Challenge clubs
- Prepare scorecards and attach local rule information and pace of play guidelines
- Arrange with the golf club management to have complimentary balls for the practice range
- Welcome guests and explain the format, scoring, etc. to the participants
5) Calculate the scores and confirm with the representatives of the other Challenge teams
6) Announce the results and present the trophy to the winning team
7) Ensure team photos are taken
e. She shall post the results of all matches on the Ladies Bulletin Board and/or via email.
f. She shall prepare a report for the Spring General Meeting and the Annual General Meeting.
10. Club Historian – The Club Historian shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
a. She shall record all club history for the year. This will include:
1) Listing Executive Officers’ names and positions
2) Listing all trophy winners and runners up
b. She or an appointee shall take pictures of the winners and runners up of the trophy events.
c. She shall provide highlights (e.g., video) from the previous golf season at the Spring General Meeting.
11. Memorial Cup Chair – The Memorial Cup Chair shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
a. She shall establish a committee that will be responsible for organizing The Okanagan Ladies Memorial Cup Tournament.
b. She shall conduct the Tournament within the stated Policies of the Ladies Club.
c. She shall, with assistance from the Treasurer, keep an accurate account of the finances of the Tournament and ensure a donation is made toward the chosen charity.
d. She shall prepare a report for the Spring General Meeting and the Annual General Meeting.
12. Welcoming Committee Chair – The Welcoming Committee Chair shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
a. With assistance from golf club management and/or the President, maintain a list of new members throughout the golf season.
b. Send a welcoming message (e.g., email) to new members.
c. Inform the Ladies Day Captain of new members.
d. Other welcoming activities as determined by the Chair of the Welcoming Committee.
e. She shall prepare a report for the Spring General Meeting and the Annual General Meeting.
13. Two-Ball Chair – The Two-Ball Chair shall have the following roles and responsibilities:
a. She shall establish a committee that will be responsible for organizing the Two-Ball Tournament.
b. She shall conduct the Tournament within the stated Policies of the Ladies Club.
c. She shall, with assistance from the Treasurer, keep an accurate account of the finances of the Tournament.
d. She shall prepare a report for the Spring General Meeting and the Annual General Meeting.
1. The Okanagan Golf Club will remit for each lady member a portion of the fee set by the Men’s Club, the Ladies Club and The Okanagan Golf Club.
2. The fiscal year of the Ladies Club shall be from January 1 to December 31.
3. Signing officers shall be the Treasurer and any two other Executive Officers.
1. Club Champion - Low Gross
2. Club Champion - Low Net
3. Club Championship - Low Net Red Flight
4. Club Championship – Low Gross Red Flight
5. Match Play Champion
6. The Okanagan Ladies Memorial Cup
7. The Okanagan Ladies Two Ball - Low Gross
8. The Okanagan Ladies Two Ball - Low Net
9. The Okanagan Ladies Solheim Cup
1. The Constitution and the Bylaws of the Ladies Club may be amended by a two-third majority vote of the members present (or represented by proxy) at a General or Special Meeting, provided notice of the proposed amendments has been posted on the Ladies Bulletin Board and/or emailed to the membership fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting.
2. A Ladies Club member may submit proposed changes to the Constitution and/or Bylaws to the Executive twenty (20) days prior to Annual General Meeting.